Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pretty Things Happen When I Get Bored

I've been making jewelery for a while, usually when I get bored or the mood takes me.  I've made everything from necklaces (long and memory wire), bracelets, anklets, earrings and circlets.  Rings, well, let's just say that the first and only time I attempted a ring ended with me bleeding and cussing like a pirate.
What's my style?  Hmm...difficult to say.  I get inspiration from a lot of sources, from books to paintings to movies to history.  I guess the closest one could get to my style is Fantasy-Medieval-Elven.  I know, as if that helped.
I'm mainly self-taught, though I'm not above watching the occasional YouTube video to learn a technique I'm not familiar with.  I mostly do beading, no real metal shaping or gemstone faceting (both of those endeavors led the the same thing as rings).  One thing I am going to try is to restring some of my old circlets, the ones I made with copper or steel wire.  In retrospect, not a good idea to use those materials...they stretch  and eventually break. 
I tend to only make one of each design at a time, but I do photograph my stuff in case I ever need to recreate it.  Or rather, my fiance take the photos, as I'm next to useless with a camera.
Honestly, it's also stress relief for me.  My day job is non-stop, and just sitting down and making something pretty helps me, even if I never wear it.  And honestly, I don't wear a lot of my stuff.  When it comes down to it, I'd rather give my pieces away to someone who really likes them than have them sit around my house.  Besides, creating beauty is its own reward.


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